Friday, November 25, 2011

Will be my diary

here i'm again....

currently, i'm doing nothing...juz spare some time with myself only...again......this time i decided to make this blog as part of my daily life....which is..I wanna make this blog as my personal diary....

In that way...i can make this blog more lively...isn't it????...haha...Since I decided that I didn't really care whether there is no more additional followers on my be true....I'm not really into, typing is the best way for my diary...

ok....yesterday...25th November 2011....
There was big event held on that was 2PM Hands Up tour concert live in Malaysia.....and because of that I felt so dissapointed 'cause I don't have chance to go there....I really into that I have wrote before....^^....what ever it is...I hope if they are coming to Malaysia again, I will not missed any 'cause unless there is no option....hahaha

But for today...26th supposed to be have also an event ID Day "Detik" UiTM Shah Alam.....I think I can't make it sorry....really wanna go...but then,think about my pocket money again....i get really frustrating...hukhukhukhuk......

I really need a job......T___T

Thursday, November 17, 2011



lately nih, kpop wave mmg semakin menjadi2....haha
ak bkn nak kte ape....sbb ak mmg da follow since ak belasan tahun lg...
so bile jd gile2 mcm nih...ak yg follow pon jd terkejut jgk la....haha
tp dlu ak nk follow pon jarang2 la....maklumla...dulu internet pon ssh nak dpt...
klu nak, kne g cc bagai...semata2 nak search info pasal dyorg nak pegi cc...malas la kan..
i'm FOLLOWER not OBSSESS...haha

memula dulu....first band yang ak mule knl DBSK/TVXQ....uih bkn maen famous lg dyorg nih..
kire god of male KPOP la....dyorg quite ok la....paling best pasal dyorg nih part dancing
dyorg....itu mmg x dpt dibandingkanla dgn group laen....u-know as leader n main dancer...
mmg ak x de r minat dyorg gile2....sbb genre lagu dyorg
x kne dgn ak sgt....sekali sekala dgr ok la....dgr slalu...utk ak x boleyh la.....hehe...
ak ske dyorg nih sbb chreography dance dyorg mmg yg plggg bestlah...

*********************************************************************************************************** klu yg mmg favourite band ak....BIG BANG.....forever n ever....
dari strt dyorg debut lagu....x pernah mengecewakan ak...haha....dyorg nih mmg bestla
as a group....or as a solo artist...haaa...sbb dyorg nih under management YGE....
management nih mmg jge quality artist dyorg....laennye big bang dari group laen ialah...
asas dyorg adalah hip hop...sebelum diberi peranan msg2 as a group tu...msg2 rapperz...
haha....dyorg x de r rutine menari of all...bru2 nih dyorg mng award MTV EMA 2011...
warrrrghhh....ak mmg sorak habis r....sggup than mata semata2 nk tgk award tuh...kol 4 pagi tuh..
hahha...mmg kerja gile...(tp x gile sgt pon....slalu je buat bwahaha..)....
mane ak x xcited mse dyorg mng...bayangkanla...dyorg kne fight ngn britney spears...pergh...
x ke pesaing yg hebat....apa pon...BIG BANG mmg group ter'cool' skali...haha....


next yg ak follow...2pm....sbb group nih pon antara yg ada time dua group kat atas nih....
dyorg nih pon ade kelaenan...tu sbb ak follow....lagu2 dyrg yg awal2 dlu byk ak ske...sbb byk
element hip hop...hahaha....skrg dyrg more to pop still nih yg wat ak minat
kat dyorg ialah sbb...most of dyorg punye ahli sgt park jayboem(leader yg da kluar),
nickhun n teakyon...yg 3 nih klu mntak speaking mmg x der masalh....yg lelaen speaking x der
ok at least sume educated...means dyorg pentgkan pelajaran walau apa2 pon....
that side yg ak suke....n dyong nih mmg gila2 pon....


urhmmmm....tu je lah yg ak ske the yg bru2 nih....mmg x lah ak amek tau....
sume bebudak belake...haha...lagu pon tangkap2 muat jew...haha...kurg x lah semua...
de yg ada potensi utk jd lebih bgs.....(x perlu senaraikan kot...haha)....
ok skrg nih ak under fan club VIP n HOTTEST jew....haha....tgkla klu de another group yg dpt
tarik perhatian ak lg....wink2...


whats up people...

it's been along time...again....
(the laziness side of me...haha)
(currently practicing my,just ignore the grammar mistake..haha)

*the truth...i am not a person that really up to this blogger just for fun....
if there is time i wanna write it...i'll just doing it....

now it's almost 4 months i'm jobless since my previous work at THAT's not like i'm too picky to find another just most of it, i didn't like it much...recently, i've apppllied to further my study....i hope that's the best way....the major that i'm taking so much different than previous one that i'm taking before....(can't tell it now...)hehe

so...i'm wondering what will be happen next...because i'm resting myself a bit long time...haha...
(just hope i'm doing well)